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Every once in a while I grab one of my vintage lenses and adapt it to my Fuji, add a combo of extension tubes and head out into the forest to see what small things I can find.

I often search for scenes like this one - a small capped mushroom standing proud on a log. To my joy, I noticed this very tiny slug traversing the log too. For scale, this mushroom is the size of the white of my thumbnail! Tiny!

How to Cool the Planet | Sailesh Rao. Animal agriculture and its impact on Earth.
What is the one thing most of us can do today about #ClimateChange?

Animal Agriculture Exceptionalism | Kenny Torrella. The industry which legalised cruelty. Big Oil has a Big Brother — animal agriculture.

Eine halbe Strecke später umfasst von Wald. Irgendwann ist man abseits genug, die verschiedenen wütenden Zweiräder auf engen Wegen hinter sich gelassen zu haben. Irgendwann verheddern sich Gespräche und Gedanken in den Widersprüchen, Technologien der Zeit einfach und weniger kritisch zu umarmen, und dem Wunsch, wieder mit bloßen Händen zu schreiben und gegen die eigenen Fähigkeiten das Zeichnen lernen zu wollen. Und dann steht man noch tiefer im Wald, lauscht diversen ungesehenen Vögeln und nicht einmal die Schatten weisen eine Richtung.

📷 lost-in-moments

#lost in moments #forests #outerworld #escapism

"In an interdisciplinary cooperation project, scientists investigated the consequences of climate change in the Arctic. They focused on a group of organisms that form the very basis of Arctic coastal ecosystems—brown macroalgae, known as kelps, which form dense and extensive underwater forests along rocky coastlines".
#arctic #climatechange #underwater #forests #kelps · The unforeseen effects of melting glaciers on Arctic coastal ecosystemsPor Sarah Batelka
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A rapist just handed over Americas forests to logging companies. Its not even debatable.

Seniors, who offered their lives to defend the America they built for us, their children, are having that America stolen from their children forver, while being kicked out of their homes.

Its not even a question.

America having its honour stripped away, threatening allies with invasion, abandoning allies as they're being bombed.

EcoWatch · Trump Signs Executive Order Handing U.S. Public Forests Over to Private Logging IndustryPor Cristen Hemingway Jaynes
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@windy @tompearce49

This is dumber than the writer. This isnt a misunderstanding, this is promotion of mass logging, giving park, forest, and probably indigenous lands to forest company land rapists.

The national forests HAD experts, university trained biologists and more.

Protecting the filthy theft of America's natural beauty, untrammeled wild areas and so much more is a cettified theft, rape and despoiling, a bad thing.

Back off.

4 years ago, I first met this gentle giant.
It's one of the only older Western red #cedar #trees left at #W̱MÍYEŦEN #NatureSanctuary. Most of the land had been logged more than once before it was acquired for conservation & rewilding. This is a 2nd growth cedar & it is over 150 yrs old.

The W̱MÍYEŦEN #Nature Sanctuary is a 42 acre protected forest and riparian area ​that supports biodiversity while preserving ecosystems and wildlife habitat. The tranquil natural environment, inspires an awareness of nature as teacher and essential ally.

I'm a member of this local, biodiverse nature sanctuary. They mainly rely on memberships & public donations. They work with #Indigenous leaders/educators/naturalists from #Wsanec First Nations. The name was changed from the former Mary Lake Sanctuary to W̱MÍYEŦEN Nature Sanctuary to respect that the property is on native lands.

Nearly all deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in the past year was illegal, a new report finds.

Between August 2023 and July 2024, 91% of forest clearing in the Amazon lacked authorization, according to an analysis by the NGO Center of Life Institute (ICV). In the Cerrado, an expanding agricultural frontier and the world’s most biodiverse tropical savanna that covers a quarter of Brazil, the figure for unauthorized clearing was 51%.

By Shanna Hanbury

Mongabay Environmental News · 91% of Brazilian Amazon deforestation last year was illegal, report findsNearly all deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in the past year was illegal, a new report finds. Between August 2023 and July 2024, 91% of forest clearing in the Amazon lacked authorization, according to an analysis by the NGO Center of Life Institute (ICV). In the Cerrado, an expanding agricultural frontier and the world’s most […]